Rose of Light
Rev. Shondra Lindsay
Greetings, BEing of Light and Love that YOU ARE!
That you found your way here means that you have called out to your universe in some way, to bring you here, to connect with me, and the energies with which I work. What I will share with you here comes from my own research, in conjunction with my late husband, Rev. Jeremiah Lindsay. I am a life-long researcher, with my own unique set of reference points, and all work shared is personally developed from my own/our process of coming into higher and higher levels of integrity with self/Self. As the months go by, I expect to post here, (or in a new venue) several dozen products/processes that you will be able to download and use to support your journey to wholeness and integrity with self/Self. While I can no longer work with many people one on one, I AM that you will find something here that will support you exactly where you are now, and to move yourself and your life forward on a positive path of evolution, fully supported by YOUR unique Divine Plan.
Deep Blessings,
Rev. Shondra Lindsay ~ Rose of Light

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Dana B from NC said about the free gift:
“I think this is brilliant! Clarification of this presence inside of us holding a conscious sense of self, yet neutral. Known and wielded for centuries and yet not shared until now. Thank you!!! I am empowered!”