Rose of Light

Rev. Shondra Lindsay


Rev. Shondra ~ Rose of Light is an accomplished dowser, multi-dimensional trainer and coach, working in the realms of soul and I AM Self within. Her service to the planet and humanity is to foster a smooth transition from duality and Separation Consciousness, into the New Earth/ New Paradigm. She brings 40 years and thousands of lifetimes of experience to her multi-dimensional work in realms of spiritual healing and accelerating personal development. With a focus on integrity with Self, the Divine Feminine, the Awakened Divine Masculine, and the Divine Union Within. Shondra and her late husband, Rev. Jeremiah Lindsay are co-founders of Awaken Your Light, with its unpublished Curriculum of Self Mastery (a set of tools and processes to empower people to make the successful transition from Separation to Oneness consciousness), soon to be available in a new form. Rev. Shondra Lindsay is  currently based in Denver, CO.

My Story

I experienced my first major spiritual awakening at age 15, which oriented my life and service toward education, healing and the awakening of humanity to higher consciousness. By 17, I had begun a study of many healing modalities, quickly advancing to accessing soul and spirit levels. I was fascinated by modalities that worked with subtle energies, which I soon discovered I had a real facility for, discerning and shifting with conscious intent and simple techniques that I eclectically accumulated from many sources. In my early years, I trained in the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner and helped with the founding of a Waldorf School. I traveled to many countries during college, getting a “world education.” I trained in Reiki, discovered my roots in the Melchizedek Priesthood, and expanded my repertoire of spiritual tools, always seeking to be the master of myself, rather than seeking any “guru.”

From Separation to Oneness

Around the Harmonic Convergence, I began to get the message it was time to bring in some children, so I found a daddy, got married and home-birthed four gorgeous Light Beings. I focused on being a 24-7 mom, raising them for a bunch of years, all the while chomping at the bit to get on with my spiritual work/mission, which I felt to be the bigger part of my reason for being on this planet at this time. In 2005, during a time of extreme physical challenge, I made the difficult choice to commit to a path that would support “doing my work,” no matter what it “looked like.” Six months later I was a single mom with four kids, and 15 months after that, Spirit had “cut me loose to go do It.” It took another 2.5 yrs to free myself of all my attachments and belongings and get me (with just two suitcases) to Costa Rica, in partnership with a viable partner that totally shared my mission, making possible what neither of us could have accomplished solo. And so, for 4.5 solid years, with ALL of our tool-sets employed to the max, Rev. Jeremiah Lindsay and I focused, literally 24-7, on the task of discerning and cutting a path from Separation back to Oneness, our Sphere of One. Since his untimely passing in Sept 2013, I continued the work and the Mission on my own, to the best of my ability. In May 2015 where I found a potential working partner from England, and by the end of June we had solidified the working partnership, and we have continued the work together, with Jeremiah “present” and assisting through him. (A unique working arrangement, to say the least, and it makes things more graceful all around.)

Alignment with Divine Plan

Along with all of all these things, I have been learning and practicing in the spiritual healing arts. I learned to dowse with a pendulum 35 yrs ago and then graduated to finger dowsing (self-muscle-testing) and Yoni dowsing (from the root chakra), as a tool to check my progress, and to satisfy my insatiable curiosity about everything. Being able to get clear, and get information about ANYTHING I desired to research has been a passion AND has served us well in discerning this Path Home on which we have been working. This ability is one of the many things I can offer to those who come to learn with me. I use the dowsing skills combined with multiple gifts and skills in clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience in all my work on myself, in partnership, session work and group work to support the highest alignment with Divine Plan that I can discern.

My life is one of service. I look forward to serving you, should you choose to engage any of our products, sessions or events.

Deep Blessings,

Rev. Shondra ~ Rose of Light