Rose of Light

Rev. Shondra Lindsay

Special Instructions for

Updating Existing Subscriptions

Existing clients from time to time may need to update their information, including subscription.
If you are altering from an individual to a household or a household to a multi-family household subscription you will need to re-enroll using the appropriate enrollment payment and form.  All changes in subscriptions require an initial clearing for the new household members being added to the subscription. Use one of these links to go to the new subscriber page to enroll in the program you would like to upgrade into.
          Link:          Make Change from Individual to Household  
          Link:         Make Change from Household to Multi-Family Multi-Household

If you are an existing client and need to update your payment, you can use one of the buttons below to set-up your automatic membership subscription.  These links are only for existing clients that are not making changes to their plan or subscription.  The payment links allow you to go straight to your payment page.


One Household Family

Multiple Household Family