Rose of Light
Rev. Shondra Lindsay
Aligning with Our Divine Plan
“All of our GOOD is on our Divine Plan.” The question is: How WELL are you ALIGNED with your Divine Plan, and able to RECEIVE from it/connect with it/engage it?
Our Divine Plan is discerned and provided to us by our Higher Self/ I AM Self. …(Read More…
It is designed to provide for us in every possible way, and yet is flexible, when things shift. We don’t have to know what is ON it, to be able to align WITH it and avail ourselves of it’s blessings and benefits. If we are aligned with our Divine Plan, our GOOD will FIND US! We won’t have to look so hard to find it anymore.
The energetic of alignment is very basic, and forms a foundation upon which almost everything else rests. It is actually an area that, (unless a person has been consciously engaging their being in better alignment with their Divine Plan,) has tended to ride on the minimal side for most people. This is true, even for most conscious individuals and lightworkers, though mostly due to simple ignorance of it’s importance.
It should also be noted that our alignment is not “singular”, unless we have made it so. Most people’s reality is “fragmented” into multiple alignments, making life more challenging to manage. The shocks and traumas of daily life can produce multiple alignments, only ONE of which CAN be aligned with Divine Plan. This tends to dilute down, the benefits one can receive from Divine Plan Alignment. This has, on the whole, produced a very low average DP Alignment. (e.g. if one had a 20% Alignment, and got hit with an energetic trauma, that fragmented you into 5 alignment, your maximum alignment could only be 4%, at most, and where life gets more risky.)
The global average person’s alignment with their Divine Plan is currently about 7%. Below 5%, “bad things tend to happen”, like ER visits, accidents, breakage, injuries, illness, theft, loss, and other misfortunes. Without the support from our Divine Plan, things just don’t hold together well, and we are vulnerable to many other influences. From this perspective, higher alignment with your Divine Plan is your best insurance policy! It keeps us engaging with all that is good for us. But our goal here is more than just to keep the wolf from the door. With higher alignment (20% or above), that is where things start “clicking”, synchronicities, being in the right place at the right time, exciting job offers, catching the flight, getting in the door before it pours, offers of good things, free stuff by the roadside that is “just what you need”, connections with significant people for business and other things…. The higher the alignment, “the better things tend to go”! Even more significant is the relationship between the Divine Plan Alignment, and your potential for fulfilling on your Divine Mission for this life. If you came in with a Mission, full support from your Divine Plan is a prerequisite for fulfillment on your Divine Mission.
The Soul’s impact on your ability to Align with Divine Plan:
In connection with the overall alignment with the Divine Plan for the embodiment, is the soul’s level of alignment with the I AM Self’s Divine Plan. This part of our being is very important, because “she” will determine the direction of your life (and whether it is aligned or not aligned with your Divine Plan). The soul is the part of your being that is engaged in feeling and experiencing life, as well as holding memory from other embodiments. It has its own “agenda for experience”, which it came into embodiment TO experience in THIS lifetime.
If “she” and her agenda are acknowledged, valued, embraced, loved, engaged and supported by the conscious self and the Higher Self together, all can be accomplished in harmony with the higher plan and purpose for the embodiment. But if, however, the soul’s agenda for experience has been neglected or judged by the conscious self, and the soul feels disregarded or tossed aside, the soul actually has the power to derail the rest of the life plan while it seeks to engage its agenda, without support of “a plan”.
In essence, the soul agenda “trumps” our conscious intent, if the soul is not feeling supported, to fulfill on her agenda. This derailing of the life plan “in favor of the soul agenda only”, tragically affects many, who seem lost as to their true purpose. When this happens, the person may have the feeling of spinning their wheels, having the same experiences over and over, but no traction, with the conscious intentions, no sense of fulfillment, and even a sense of betrayal by Spirit. The soul can pull your entire life out of alignment.
This will show up in the person’s experience in direct proportion to the individual’s relative happiness and satisfaction in life, or lack thereof. One who is already adept at self-mastery will be able to easily meet this successfully, once they know about it. Those who are still working at conscious self-care may require some gentle assistance to discover the soul’s agenda item(s) and align to help the soul meet them, so that a more fulfilling, satisfying level of alignment may be enjoyed by all.
Daily calling of one’s Being, on all levels, into higher alignment, can go a long way to boosting this and shifting one’s whole life experience. When commitment to alignment is present, all manner of resources seem to “come out of nowhere” and support what may have seemed impossible or improbable to the lesser mind.
Conscious focus and intent to create better alignment is the beginning of making course-correction. YOu can try it on your own, just by focusing every day, saying out loud, with authority and purpose:
I AM that I AM bringing my entire being, on all levels, into 100% perfect alignment with my Divine Plan NOW! So BE It! So It Is! Anchor Lock and Seal I AM! “
Do these as often as it feels good, engaging the gut muscles (use your will forces!) on the ending part. Increasing one’s alignment can and WILL effect changes in one’s life rather quickly!
If you desire support in learning to do this more effectively, you can join an Alignments Clinic (see below), to practice in a group, with an Alignments Coach.
In addition to group clinics and individual work on your Alignments, you may desire the support of a capable practitioner, to help you discover and resolve personal blocks.
Please email us with questions, or for a referral :
Happy Aligning!
Rev. Shondra ~ Rose of Light
Alignments Coach