Rose of Light

Rev. Shondra Lindsay

Return Path to the Light

In challenging times, including in fall and winter when outer light fades,  we must turn to our own inner connection with the Light of our Being, to sustain us through dark or trying times. There are many people,  whose inner connection has faltered and faded, if life traumas have taken too much toll, and the soul has “lost faith” in its own Source. When this happens, a person, on the soul level, can actually become so disenchanted with spirit and its own Light Source that it can intentionally “disconnect” from its “Return Path to the Light”. We call it the “Return Path”, because when we cross over, at death, we can follow this Path of Light BACK to Spirit Source/ Home. 

This “disconnecting”,  can happen when a person who is already prone to lower frequency states of mental and emotional health, encounters a big shock from yet another life event,  that is too much for them to handle. This could be a death of a loved one or of a relationship, losing a job or a home, a business destroyed, or anything that causes a deep level of doubt in spirit and a deep inner sense of betrayal. This often translates on the inner planes as the soul saying “How could God do this to me? Why aren’t YOU helping me, God? If this is all the help I get, then f**k YOU! I’ve had enough from YOU!”… and closes off the connection. This is what we call “throwing down the Return Path.” 

When this happens, the soul is essentially cut off from any higher guidance, and is like a little rowboat adrift on a dark sea, with no oars or rudder.   What makes it worse is that the soul is so “angry at God”, that it just wants to BE ANGRY, and does not even want any “help” to “get out of this lost” state. What this looks like to others around the person is that they become cynical, sullen, despondent, depressed, grouchy, argumentative, nothing in their lives seems to be working, and any suggestions that might help are turned aside, excuses made for why it could not work, or they just cannot engage the assistance, or worse, attempts to assist are actually resented and angrily rebuffed as interference.

 Does this sound familiar to you about anyone you know? Many in this state end up in prison, on drugs, or on welfare or a combination. This soul-state has even affected a considerable number of spiritual folk in recent years, in the face of the extreme challenges that have hit so many.  Our churches and social services have the very difficult and unpleasant task of taking care of a population that “does not want to be helped”. 

This state actually precedes almost every suicide. When a soul crosses over in this state, they really ARE LOST, unless someone who knows what to do, finds them on the soul plane and helps them get “Home” to the Light. Perhaps you know of a few suicides who are still wandering about like that? 

And for those on this side, how can you help someone who does not want help, does not seem to WANT their life to function, and seem to want to make everyone else around them as miserable as they are? Part of the answer to this is to understand that this is not a mental/emotional problem or illness, so much as it is a soul/spirit “dis-ease” and therefore can NOT be met successfully on the psychological/ physical plane. People in this state are unable to “change their attitude”.  They  will fight you, tooth and nail, with their conscious and the subconscious minds, who have aligned with the disgruntled soul.  Have you ever suggested something to someone that “you KNOW would help” and they totally rejected your offer/suggestion, yelled at you, and made you cringe…when all you wanted to do was “help”?

Lets look for moment at the “soul-territory”, which precedes such a condition.  There are different levels of the soul’s experience of health and well being.  These levels vary greatly, depending on the soul’s choices for experience, while being in the embodied state.  For a measuring stick, we can use what I call “alternatives of present” , which equals how many “degrees of freedom/choice” one has, at any one moment.   “Nine” is the first healthy number of possibilities that a person with a “healthy outlook on life” will have, and above that level, one feels ever more expansive.  There is no “maximum” that you can have, because in “full-blown creative-mode”, the possibilities are infinite. If you want or need more, you can just make more.  But that ISN’T the experience of anyone whose life is full of (seemingly) insurmountable challenges, that can lead to an experience of total contraction of their possibilities, and potential dropping of their Return Path connection. 

The further below nine options one goes, the more contracted and restricted will be one’s view of life.  The average for humanity is around 7, which is some degree of depression, or feeling down, some of the time.  Generally speaking, 6, 7 and 8 are various levels of pessimism or depression, and usually the reason people turn to therapy, TV, video games, alcohol, tobacco, drugs or meds to deal with mild symptoms.  When a person is around 5, professional help is often sought, or self-medicating becomes more serious.

When a person gets down to 5 or 4 options left open, there is a profound level of doubt in Spirit (God, etc) that is likely to be engaged.  And when life deals another hard blow (like loss of income, loved one, home, relationship, etc), this is often when the soul feels so betrayed by it’s Spirit Source for not “helping”, that it gets angry, and throws down the connection to Spirit Source (this is “God” in most people’s inner cosmology), and disconnects from the very thing that gives life its meaning.  Once this step has happened, the Alternatives of Present can hold around 4 or spiral downward from there.


At three Alternatives of Present, thoughts of suicide begin to enter the stage, and musings of whether one’s life is even worth staying around for.  Contracting a little more, to TWO Alternatives of Present, and one is likely to be reviewing possible exit strategies, and deciding which of two ways would be best.  At ONE Alternative of Present, there is only one way to go, and it is a test of one’s character not to take it. 

There is a ZERO POINT, that one can also go through, but to pass through it and out the other side without taking one’s own life, requires either or both: 

A profound commitment to a sense of higher spiritual mission, OR:

Someone strong, “holding you” through it. 

 Most Suicides are committed in a zero point.  Most freak deaths, unexpected deaths, deaths on the battlefield, or during bizarre atrocities, occur to those whose Return Path has been dropped for some time, alignment with Divine Plan walked away from, and there is nothing holding in place,  the integrity of continuation of the embodiment. We have found a few exceptions to this, tho those are usually when some other energy form has hijacked the life, the soul has withdrawn from “duty”, and something else is ”running the show”. 

When the Return Path connection is down, assistance will be needed to help the person (at the soul-level)  get it reconnected.  But it should also be understood that this is a realm of soul-sovereign-choice, and no one else can reconnect it for them, only support them to do it, in a way that the soul can accept. Generally speaking, when a person chooses to  “pick up their Return Path to the Light”, the number of Alternatives of Present read will go from 3 or 4, to 7 or 8 at the low end, or 9 to 12 on the high end, or even higher!  This will result in the person feeling a significant shift into hopefulness, optimism, and things “opening up”, new possibilities arising, a brighter outlook on life, and a general improvement in one’s sense of well being.

We also notice that when a highly intelligent, educated or spiritual person’s RP is down, it is harder to tell, because they know so many ways to cover up their soul condition, or make the best of a bad situation, that the soul condition is often missed, by those around them.  They may be  very functional, but cynical. They may be chronically ill (such as with Lymes disease or something) and go on for years pontificating about their experience, while pushing away all real potential for help or healing.  However when such a person’s RP is picked up, it is usually quite noticeable in the shift in what is happening for them.  

We also report that so far, we know of NO ONE who, once their RP was thrown down, figured out how to pick it up again by themselves, without external assistance to instruct the soul on a soul level, on what to do to remedy their situation.  

Since this field is so little understood, this means that many, MANY people have persisted in this state for years, many have died in this state and been lost for a long time.  And with a bit more general understanding of this, SO MUCH OF IT IS PREVENTABLE, and can be quickly remedied!



First, the condition needs to be identified, by someone who can recognize the signs.

Second, it needs to be addressed on the level at which it occurred.  

It MUST be met on the soul/spirit level, bypassing the conscious and sub-conscious minds (who are dug in with, and supporting the soul’s position), and meeting the soul on the plane where the choice was made and their being can be supported to choose again, while held in Love,  to do so.




There are, as yet, a few trained practitioners, who can help, and as they step up to help, their contact links will be posted on the Resource Page. In the meantime, Rev. Shondra can help you with your specific request, starting with a Short Consult, (which may be enough) for your loved one.



If you are interested in receiving training in this field, trainings are being planned for 2021.  These trainings will span several weeks of 90 min sessions 1x per week, and issue a certificate, for those interested.  

This training would be appropriate for :

  • Mental health professionals 
  • Therapists 
  • Energy work practitioners
  • Prayer warriors and Clergy
  • Crisis responders and hotline workers, 
  • Prison and social service workers, 
  • Caring family members,  
  • Anyone with a heart for helping others.